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Love Zone

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" All's fair in love and war."
Francis Edward Smedley
" To love is not to look at
one another, But to look
together in the same
Antoine de Saint (Exupery)
" At the first kiss I felt
something melt inside me
that hurt in an exquisite
way. All my longings, all my
dreams and sweet anguish,
All the secrets that slept
deep within me came awake,
Everything was
transformed and
enchanted, everything
made sense."
Herman Hesse, Narcissus
and Goldmund
" Sometimes it's a form of
love just to talk to
somebody that you have
nothing in common with and
still be fascinated by their
David Byrne
" Love is missing someone
whenever you're apart, but
somehow feeling warm
inside because you're close
in heart."
Kay Knudsen
" You learn to like someone
when you find out what
makes them laugh, but you
can never truly love
someone until you find out
what makes them cry."
" You know when you have
found your prince because
you not only have a smile
on your face but in your
heart as well."
" If I had a single flower for
every time I think about
you, I could walk forever in
my garden."
Attributed to Claudia Ghandi
" When you're in love you
never really know whether
your elation comes from the
qualities of the one you
love, or if it attributes them
to her; whether the light
which surrounds her like a
halo comes from you, from
her, or from the meeting of
your sparks."
Natalie Clifford Barney
" [Her] love and
tenderness … gave me the
faith in love that enabled
me to face my dead at last
and write this play—write it
with deep pity and
understanding and
forgiveness for all the four
haunted Tyrones."
Eugene O’Neill

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